Friday, September 24, 2010 | By: P_H_B_N_nya_S_M_A_D_A

what PHBN is all about !

hey GUYS ! well,this is our first posting isn't it ? as it the first , well we're going to talk about everything relates to PHBN itself. Just as you know ,PHBN stands for Peringatan Hari Besar Nasional . So in english, we might call it The Celebration of National Day. And just by looking to its name I know that all of you must know what are our activities .. don't you ? Of course what we do is preparing and taking care about all national days celebration. And the last event that we held is independence day celebration.And We're here in the student organiation in unit 3 ,which is being coordinated by Resha Rudhita. And the Leader of this unit is Rachmanta Isa from 12 Science 2.

Just like all organiations ,we have a program . Well, actually that is not just "a" but a lot of programs .hhe . you know we have a lot of national days , don't you ? Our programs are
> Independence day
> Woman Emancipation day
> Education day
and all other celebrations .

We celebrate it in so many ways ,but we only have one vision .That is to arise the nasionalism feeling inside our soul , for a big nation is a nation who doesn't forget their own histories, isn't it ? And our mission , we have so many about it here . Those are hold many event to remind everyone of historical day, hold a holy reverie in the independence night and so on . You must have followed one of this , right ? (don't tell me you haven't ,it's impossible !)

Well maybe just till here we talk about what PHBN itself, next time ,we are going to show you what we've done . how does it sound ? Well, just keep looking forward into it. See you :)


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